Do Your Children Need Fluoride Supplements?
Do Your Children Need Fluoride Supplements?

Do you wonder if your child is getting enough fluoride to protect their teeth from cavities? With 25 percent of children experiencing their first cavity before kindergarten, it’s certainly a question worth pondering. Even the American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs (CSA) does the same, continually reviewing research to ensure their recommendations are up to date with scientific opinion. What, then, is your best strategy? First, you’ll need to ask a few more questions. Determining whether your child may need supplemental fluoride (in the form of pills, lozenges or liquid) generally hinges on the answers to these three key questions:
What is the source of your child’s drinking water, and how much of it are they consuming on a daily basis?
How old is the child?
What other sources of fluoride might they be exposed to?